This past Wednesday's chemo, the first of my eighth cycle, went as expected. No need to review the details again. I did meet with one of my doctors prior to the infusion session, and we talked about the possibility of eventually reducing my chemo schedule to every other week from the current three weeks out of four. Given the fact that my CA19-9 levels continue to remain low -- 16 from blood drawn two weeks ago (down from 22 two weeks prior to that) -- it sounds promising. He does want to wait until we have the results of another CT scan, so cycle eight will be just like the others, three weeks of weekly infusions followed by a rest week. My next scan is scheduled for August 5, the day before cycle nine will begin. We'll also have the results of two more CA19-9 measures by then.
Going to an every other week schedule would hopefully offer some relief from the accumulating effects of the treatments. During my rest weeks, I no longer fully recover from the side effects and go into the next cycle with lingering fatigue and muscle weakness/tendonitis in arms and legs; increasing blood pressure was a bit of a problem during the last week or so, but an adjustment in my meds for that seems to have it under control. I don't want to make it seem that I'm becoming an invalid though. While side effects have made it difficult to ride my bike and run, I'm still doing well. Other than the fact that I'm chronically anemic (low red cells, hemoglobin), my other blood counts (white cells, platelets) are good. My liver and kidney functions are good. I try to get in a daily walk, still get "honey do . . . " lists from Jane, have a good appetite more often than not, and am able to enjoy the company of family and friends. It sure beats the alternative if I was not receiving treatment!
So, we shall see. The side effects are still manageable, and I'm able to do most of the things I want to do. I had a good July 4 weekend -- we did go to the parade in Novato on the fourth and saw a movie and had an all-American BBQ with family. Jane and I caught another movie; I made it to the fair to rock out with Los Lobos (and collect substantial anecdotal evidence that most white men just can't dance); we walked up at the lakes. Jessie and I took Violet out to Heart's Desire beach at Tomales Bay on one of the oppressively hot days last week. Talk about a water baby with absolutely no fear. I think I see some adventures in her future and would really like to part of some of them (one of my long term goals). Jane and I are looking forward to the end of the month when we'll head to Maui-- courtesy of our friends John and Lorraine Ritchie who are letting us use their home there, and the MC parent board.
As always, my thanks to so many who continue to provide prayers, support, friendship.