Sunday, November 30, 2008

A bump in the road

Sorry I haven't written in a while. I had intended on updating the blog after our family trip to Kauai, but things got in the way. After my last chemo treatment and while in Kauai, I began developing some significant body-wide edema; in addition, I started hitting new highs with blood pressure readings and I became more anemic. The results, once home, were a trip to a cardiologist, more blood work, chest x-rays, and eventual admission to Marin General Hospital with acute kidney failure and associated congestive heart failure. It isn't quite as dire as it sounds, but it required a transfusion of two units of blood, treatment with diuretics, and changes in my anti-hypertensive regimen. The culprit(s) in all of this are the chemo drugs I've been taking for almost a year. I am home now after four days in the hospital, and getting better. I'll post a more detailed message later this week.

